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  Post Mortem - "Eldritch Legacy" by  amkingTRP  ( @amkingtrp ) - Originally published on in relation to an Entry for Ludum Dare 50. Now the Jam is almost completely over, it’s a good time to reflect on what went right and what went wrong with attempting to develop a tactical rpg game in 48 hours (plus a few hours on the Monday after work). Development I’d instantly decided on using a grid based approach for this game based on the RPG board games I used to play in the 90s (e.g. Heroquest) so the gameboard was to be a 2d array of grid square structures (walkable, visible, an array of what rooms the square is part of, and what object is on that square). I’d decided on using a “Room” system to give an aspect of exploration; as you uncover “rooms” I could set their squares as visible and instantiate any objects/monsters inside, plus play any descriptions I’d provided. Uncovering a room was triggered by a player character stepping onto a square with that room in its arra

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